2023 End of the Year Post
I’ve been resting as much as possible over the last few days.
Especially with some video game time, reading, sleep and snacks.
Looking back and counting up everything I’ve released over the last twelve months almost melts my mind thinking about the quantity.
This year I’ve leaned more into making audios with closed loops. Scripting, recording and editing audios with that level of complexity takes deft and enormous energy on my part.
*amazing drumroll*
67 audios
17 YouTube Videos
Selections of text hypno and sensual fiction writing.
Launched my Toy Box Discord server.
*end drumroll*
That’s an average of a new audio every 5.4 days.
5.4 days…
My current audio count on Patreon must be between the 225 to 300 audio mark.
I’ve already got a couple of fun ideas bubbling in my mind for January.
My personal hope and intention for 2024 is that my Patreon grows to the level where I reduce my hours with my current day job.
My audio process between writing, recording, editing and scheduling audios and rendering videos can take up to 20 or more hours a week.
All juggled around everything else. Evenings and weekends are easily sucked into a vortex of a blinking cursor or my audio editing suite.
I’m involved in a project with other amazing hypnotists, but more about that in 2024.
I always need more tea and snacks.
Let’s have an amazing 2024 together.