Happy Anniversary – 2022 Edition
Just over four years ago I started this wonderful journey of exploration.
It’s always been a part of who I am. It was easier for me to point to a book, movie or tv show and say, “I want that.” Looking back, I realise this aspect of myself was always a part of me, I simply didn’t have the language to verbalise it.
I’ve learned so much about myself and what I like and enjoy. Along with this self-reflection, my thoughts have turned to the sweet cuties I’ve met along the way. Not all were sweet, of course. No-one’s that lucky. But I have met them. Our time together was wonderful fun. Gentle teasing. Moments of connection. Circumstances change. People change. Life happens. Every bit is experience that helps shape and determine the path ahead.
It’s been 18 months since I first started delving into the wonderful art of making delicious audio. As of writing this post in August 2022, my Patreon has just passed 150 audios. I’m thankful to my patrons who enjoy my work and are eager to experience even more fun audio. Only a tiny selection of my audio ever have a public or heavily edited free release.
What does the rest of 2022 hold?
While my Patreon release schedule is consistent every month, my recording schedule is quite a bit more chaotic. In my quiet moments I like thinking about different combinations to have in my audios. I’ve thought about some immensely fun stuff lately…
All aspects of producing audio is labour and time-intensive but I think for me, the most challenging parts are around writing scripts and allowing myself vocal training and rest. Unlike some, I quite enjoy the editing aspect to catch that click of my tongue or gasp of breath. I’ve read somewhere lately that one solid hour of completed audio takes about six hours between recording and editing to produce. In my experience so far, that sounds about right.
Longer form writing.
There. I’ve said it. Can’t go back now.
I’ve a number of sensual stories gathering dust in a folder on my computer. I really think it’s time I finally sit down with these old friends and let them run wild in the world. I’m slowly letting other stories cook in the background of my mind and I want to share them with you soon.
I’m sure there’s a few more things that’ll pop up in my mind later but for right now, let’s stick to these.
Until next time…