Hello, sweet toy. Lately, I released a body transformation audio called Magically Transformed Into A Cow. A wonderful blend of sensual audio for lovers of ….
Tag: Erotic Hypnosis
Yes. I’ve launched my SoundCloud and it’s quickly becoming my preferred place for all of my public sensual hypnosis audio. More intimate than Youtube, more ….
Yes. That’s my key. An exciting development while exploring chastity with HC. Knowing my sweet Hypno Cutie is locked and obedient always gives me a ….
What’s the secret cocktail? Erotic Hypnosis and Caged Chastity. It’s an addictive combination I’ve been enjoying with Hypno Cutie (HC), also known as MFGB. We’ve ….
Yes, I finally did it. I’ve launched a Patreon for erotic hypnosis and audio. Exclusive Patreon audios, mantras along with behind-the-scenes goodies and posts. Lots ….
I adore making you sink.You never had any barriers to fall. It’s inevitable. Simply the most wonderful way to unwind.